The Unfinished Swan Hits PS4 & PS Vita October 28th

If you haven’t played The Unfinished Swan on the PlayStation 3 then you’ll get another chance to do so on the PlayStation 4 and the PS Vita. Announced and confirmed on the PlayStation Blog, you can get the game this October 28th in full 1080p.

We’re seeing a number of classic PlayStation 3 video game titles make the jump to the PlayStation 4 console. Giant Sparrow’s is the latest set to release their video game title The Unfinished Swan on the most current generation of consoles. You play a small boy chasing around a swan where you will eventually splatter paint around you creating a new world that was previously unseen.

The Unfinished Swan has also been noted to be cross buy which means if you purchased it already for the PlayStation 3 then you’ll have the game unlocked for you on the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. If you have yet to purchase the game then you’ll have to dish out around $15.