This Video by Epic Games Demonstrates The Future of Mobile Game Graphics

Epic Games took part in Samsung’s Galaxy Unpacked event where the hardware giant announced the Galaxy S7 among other gadgets.

The game developer was present there to showcase what mobile games would look like in future. It used something called ProtoStar, which is a real-time 3D “experience” created using its in-house game engine Unreal Engine 4.


It also utilized something called Vulkan API, which has some incredible gaming-only features –

The new industry-standard Vulkan API brings key elements of high-end console graphics technology to mobile devices, and Samsung is leading the way with the amazing new Galaxy S7,” Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney said in a statement. “As the first engine supporting Vulkan, Unreal Engine 4 provides a solid foundation for developers joining in the mobile graphics revolution.

Epic Games claimed by using the Vulkan API while creating mobile games with Unreal Engine 4, it allows them to go beyond what be achieved right now. This ensures more dynamic onscreen objects and faster performance, etc.


Here’s a list of some of the technologies used by Epic Games while displaying this technology that utilizes the Vulkan API along with Unreal Engine 4 –

  • Dynamic planar reflections (high-quality reflections for dynamic objects)
  • Full GPU particle support on mobile, including vector fields
  • Temporal anti-aliasing (TAA)
  • High-quality ASTC texture compression
  • Full scene dynamic cascaded shadows
  • Chromatic aberration
  • Mobile dynamic light refraction
  • Filmic tonemapping curve
  • Improved mobile static reflections
  • High-quality mobile depth of field
  • Vulkan API support with thousands of dynamic objects onscreen


The Samsung S7 might be the first device to make use of these amazing features. The handheld also comes with the ability to record gameplay features, a “No Alerts” setting among a bevy of other cool features.

You can watch the video below –

YouTube video