Fallout 4 provides plenty of opportunities for players to create all types of things in the game. It also allows players to be creative and recreate famous scenes from various movies and video games. We previously covered the release of the official Fallout Creation Kit, mods to enhance the way female characters look, and a mod creation reminiscent of The Last of Us. However, this is the first set of creations mimicking maps from the Call of Duty series.
Sam Dalton Moorman shared images on Facebook of his recreations of maps from Call of Duty’s zombie mode. Some of the recreations include the original zombies map Nacht der Untoten, an ice maker posing as a Pack-a-Punch machine, and Kino der Toten from the first Black Ops game.

The maps took the gamer a couple of days to create, and they look great considering he constructed the maps inside Fallout 4 using limited resources.

From the boarded up windows to the pieces of furniture scattered throughout, anyone that has played these zombie maps is sure to recognize the inspiration behind these recreations.

Granted, there are a lot of missing elements such as zombies, wall markings, weapons, and the mystery box’s teddy bear, but the main structure of these maps is present and obvious. As a Call of Duty fangirl, I can appreciate the work that went into these recreations because they just simply look awesome.

A lot of these images have given me flashbacks to my zombie killing days, and I am seriously about to turn Black Ops on and murder some undead. Let’s hope that Sam decides to make more zombie maps for us to see, or at least elaborate on some of them because I think he’s got something good going here.