The Developers Is On PS4 Games Price

Today the developer talks about the PS4 game price. Gamasutra ask three different developers in the gaming industry how much will the PS4 games cost compare to the next and the last gen.

He asked  Herman Hulst of Guerrilla Games (Killzone: Shadow Fall)

When we did Killzone 2 and 3, we probably maxed out with a team size of 125. We have 150 now, so it’s marginally bigger. It’s actually quite comparable. There’s more art outsourcing, but that’s not necessarily very expensive. We’re outsourcing between double and triple [from previous games]. There’s a lot of art.

He also ask matt Southern of Evolution Studios (Driveclub)

“We’ve got about 110 on our team. It was a very small incremental increase…”


Jonathan Morin of Ubisoft Montreal (Watchdogs)

I’m not the best person to give you numbers, but what I can say is… you can measure the level of experience of a studio by looking at their tools. New machines and new criteria and new expectations will push everyone in the industry to deliver more. More can be a lot of different things: it doesn’t always have to be the graphics or the art. It could be the depth of your systems. Every time you have a creator spend minutes not creating, they’re wasting time.

All three response from the developers were simple but Ubisoft answers were a little bit off while evolution studios and Guerrilla Games say the the price might be a little bit different