Keanu Reeves Gave 70% Of Matrix Earnings To Cancer Research Charity

Continuing to prove that he really is the best of us, Keanu Reeves reportedly donated 70% of his earnings from The Matrix to cancer research charities. As reported by the New York Post, star of the recent Matrix Resurrections movie has donated $31.5 million to cancer research charities. That’s around 70% of the total amount … Read more

matrix 4

Keanu Reeves Will Do Matrix 4 If These Conditions Are Met

You can’t have another good Matrix movie without Neo played by Keanu, but the John Wick 2 star has certain conditions that must be met before he starts munching down any more red pills. Matrix Trilogy spoilers ahead. Despite the fact that Neo died at the end of the third movie, there’s still  hope. The … Read more