Sony PR responds to PS4 no DRM campaign

This campaign started after Microsoft unveiled its next gen console, the Xbox One.  It has been reported it will block used games. Gamers all over the world see the potential of PS4 , together they  kicked off a Twitter campaign to reach out Sony’s employees to not allow such thing on the PS4.

In today’s report, the recent “PS4 No DRM” campaign prove that Sony’s listening to the fans and they are liking it and  very passionate about that.

Adam Boyes, the VP of publisher and developer relations at Sony Computer Entertainment America, decided to comment. Boyes claims that “it’s working pretty well, much better than a few letters would. We’re seeing the message loudly, and it’s immediate.”

Hearing this type of feedback, Boyes continues by saying that hearing things like that from website is one thing,  but hearing messages like that from people who live  “is powerful and humbling.”

“Hearing from sites is one thing, but hearing it directly from the gamers themselves is powerful & humbling”

It’s good to see that Sony is taking note of what fans’ opinion is about some restrictive features.