Following on from the pretty poor reception of Bethesda’s Fallout 76, fans of the franchise are looking to take the games into their own hands – by remastering Fallout 2 within Fallout 4.

A Reddit user by the name of DoctWhite took to the r/Fallout subreddit to post about the plans:
“Looking for members of our team, designers, anyone who has a passion for fallout 2, modders who are experienced with the fallout 4 engine and community advice/support.”
Citing that “Bethesda has more or less given up on the original lore of the first few games” in the series, the post has gotten a lot of attention, with fellow players looking to get involved with the ambitious project.

The post goes on to say: “With the support of the fallout community we can make this a possibility. However this will be a massive project and we will need a lot of people from the community to work on this and hopefully decrease the development time…
“Currently we are in the most basic stages, designing a rough outline of what our plan will be for the project, designing a layout of the map, and some other things.

“Nearly everything will be transferred, from the Wanamingos in Redding to the Poseidon oil rig everything will be taken out of fo2 and placed into our new old world. This will take time as do all great things but the more support from the community and the more help we can get from modders we can get this out as soon as we can and leave many OG fallout fans with a smile on their face.”

Check out the post in full right here.
All you need to do is send DoctWhite a message!