Race The Sun is a gorgeous runner that defies the linear mechanics that all other runner gamer cant seem to shake off. Yes, the game has its generic moments where you’re dodging large structures protruding from the land but thankfully it is no way near temple run or Jetpack Joyride and gives the generic infinite runner genre hope. The game also offers intense experiences, this is because unlike other runners Race The Sun starts out really fast instead of starting slow and speeding up.
The levels start off as short and easily traversed areas that are inhabited by large pyramids players must avoid. However, a short time after the area commences the obstacles become increasingly harder until you reach the point where lasers are speeding towards you giving mere seconds to get out of the way! Obstacles will also start to move in later levels challenging the players reaction time and patience. Throughout Race The Sun you will collect various items that will grant you new and powerful abilities. Some of these pick ups will allow players to upgrade the ship allowing to change up how you navigate through the levels.
Instead of avoiding large buildings, players will be tasked with staying in the suns light otherwise straying away from the light will cause your ship to lose its momentum and come to a halt thus ending the gaming.
Players will not need to worry about Race The Sun becoming repetitive because the game will have all of its levels reset daily which means that the player will also have to adapt to the different environment and possibly take a different route. If the game continues to evolve its levels it will likely keep players returning and will also likely attract a lot of new gamers that may have lost hope in the infinite runner genre.
All of these innovative ideas create an intense experience and it is amazing, especially since the game is an infinite runner. Players wont need to worry about the game being to easy because it does take one essential trait from infinite runners which is the games difficulty. However if you stay on the same level over a certain amount of time you will acquire ship upgrades making the level alot easier than it is built to be.