PlayStation already has the worst rated game of 2022 with Babylon’s Fall, a game so maligned that you probably already forgot that it even released this year [via GamingBible].
Babylon’s Fall is sitting at a 42 critic average on OpenCritic, with only 4% of critics even recommending it. The warning signs were there from the beginning, with the game almost completely switching styles midway through, but it’s disappointing to see PlatinumGames fall so low after soaring so high.
Here are just a selection of the reviews that the game has had, all of which completely destroy the game in just a few short sentences.
“An overpriced game with a solid combat system that’s buried under a mountain of banality and monetisation”- PCGamer
“Babylon’s Fall isn’t a broken action RPG, but it isn’t a good one either- and it’s one of the ugliest games in several console generations.”- IGN
“Not only the worst game Platinum has ever made but one of the worst live service titles of any kind, with an especially disgusting attitude towards microtransactions”- Metro GameCentral

The game itself is reportedly horrendously designed and graphically ugly, with a style that simply doesn’t work for whatever PlatinumGames were going for. When Marvel’s Avengers released and then subsequently failed to an insane degree, you’d have expected Square Enix to maybe tone it down when it comes to live service games. Instead it seems to be doubling down on it.
Still, what do you think? Have you enjoyed playing Babylon’s Fall on the PlayStation 5, or is it a game you don’t plan on playing at all? Let us know across our social channels.
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