Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Preview



Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes’ best feature is that it gives Superman most of the best powers. Superman can fly, melt objects with his heat vision, freeze objects with frost breath, and has super strength. Fans of Batman have not been particularly fond of his Kryptonian rival, so giving this much freedom to Superman threatens to tip the scales in his favor, rendering Bats, a secondary character. This is not the case at all, and through a series of clever choices, Lego Batman 2: DC Heroes promises to capture what makes each of its enormous catalogue of heroes and villains so special.

Last time, Batman was a bit dull compared to his more colorful villains. This time around, he can switch between various suits, each granting a different set of powers. Batman’s green-goggled sensor suit allows him to appear invisible to sensors, see through certain surfaces with x-ray vision, and activate switches from afar. His electricity suit causes him to absorb charges and later deploy them to power machinery. His power suit launches rockets that can crumble specific parts of the scenery to reveal grapple points underneath, supposedly knocking a Lego dude’s head off constitutes breaking Batman’s cardinal rule ‘thou shalt not kill.’

Robin can gain different suits as well. A blue acrobat costume allows Robin to carry off slicker combos or form a glass sphere around him, which can be used to knock enemies over or activate switches that require steadily rolling over them in place. His hazard suit grants him the ability to walk underwater and comes attached with a Super Mario Sunshine-esque hose for cleaning up. The demo begins with Joker crashing the ‘Man of the Year’ awards where Bruce Wayne is about to be celebrated for his contributions to Gotham. Pandemonium spreads throughout the dining hall while Harley dances onstage in the background. Everything Batman and Robin punch explodes into flames, leaving collectible Lego bricks as debris.

The first enemies the dynamic duo encounter are mimes. This is a reference to the earlier Lego games as Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes will be the first title in the series to have full voice-acting. This was not shown in the demo, and the cast list has yet to be announced. While the stage begins with Batman and Robin tracking down Joker and his goons, he also encounters the Riddler and Two Face along the way. Each story level will be longer and more varied than they have been in past Lego games. “We wanted a sense of epic adventure, of drama, of escalation throughout our levels,” said Traveller’s Tales’ Jonathan Smith. While lengthier stages could easily drag or be inconvenient for parents who want to get their kids to bed on time, Traveller’s Tales has introduced checkpoints within each level.

We now switch roles to Superman and fly into a cave, splash through a waterfall, and emerge upon a dimly lit Gotham City expanding in all directions. The dreary city scape is adorned by colossal stone statues of Lego men bent at odd angles supporting the mammoth structures above them. “We wanted to highlight the drama and grief that exists within this place,” Smith explains. Traveller’s Tales’ take on Gotham is a modern metropolis with skyscrapers and street lights infused as well as an ancient city with towering monuments recalling Greece or Egypt. Famous landmarks are spread throughout the game such as Wayne Tower, the Acme chemical plant where the Joker was reborn, and the Monarch Theater where Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed. It is not quite as awe-inspiring as last year’s Arkham City, but it just might be conceptually more interesting.

Exploring the hub has a Crackdown-ish vibe to it, with an open world environment, manually controllable camera, and emphasis on collection. Crackdown had hundreds of orbs secreted away in Pacific City’s nook and crannies whereas Gotham contains 100 hidden gold bricks. In one case we see Superman fly into the air and use his heat vision to melt the cranium off a stone mini-figure supporting a bridge to find a gold brick inside. At a glance it would appear Superman’s outlandish mobility and temperature-altering powers would make him so omnipotent as to render all other characters useless. The truth is Superman is powerful, but he can not do everything. He can not switch suits, which ensures that Batman and his gadgets are still the star attraction.

To further balance the Man of Steel against his less super-powered brethren, the open world environments are filled with trails of puzzles that require other characters to bypass. Superman may be able to fly atop a building and find a switch, but if it is covered in goo, he will need to use Robin and find a hazard suit in order to use it. While Superman is agile, he is more of a scout (or Reagan’s “big blue boy scout” as Frank Miller has it). There is also a Grand Theft Auto element to these hubs where you can steal cars from characters and ride around in them. While it has yet to be shown off, Warner Bros has promised that all of Bat’s vehicles will be available as well from the Batmobile to the Batwing to the Batboat.

GTA may have been touted as a sandbox, but its adherence to a structured narrative and realistic world were somewhat at odds with the playful freedom. The hub-world interludes in this virtual toy box seem more fitting to this sense of exploration and horsing around. The addition of other DC characters may seem like a desperate attempt to toss in extra content for a iterative sequel, but Traveller’s Tales seems to have learned a lot over the years about what makes these games work. The tight puzzles, colorful sets, and smorgasbord of different characters and abilities continue to charm and delight, while the addition of Superman promises to expand upon an already solid template. It is another joyous toy box from the Lego series, and this time it looks like an impressively expanded one too.