Following the policy changes announced by Xbox One, EA has made known that it will stand fast in its decision to not further use the Online Pass system.
In the words of senior director of corporate communications John Reseburg, “[There is] no change to our decision to discontinue Online Pass. It is dead. As we said a few weeks ago, none of our new EA titles will include online pass, and we are removing it from existing games as well. Nothing else on today’s news, but did want to be clear that our online pass decision was based on player feedback, and there’s no change.”
This is the second time EA was compelled to vow publicly that it is not bringing back the Online Pass system. EA detractors expected the opposite from them after Microsoft made policy changes and joined Sony in supporting used games that caught EA unawares.
What do you think? How will the changes in policy and the total do-away with the Online Pass system benefit you? Do let us know.