Capcom made an interesting announcement through an interview with Japan’s Famitsu. Turns out that the development company that brought out several popular video game titles has a new way of what video game goes into development. Turns out that if the previous installment to a video game IP does not meet at least 2 million in sales a sequel will not be up for debate.
News came from Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono who mentioned that Capcom was not interested in making certain video game sequels to series. For instance, Darkstalkers Resurrection didn’t make expectations in sales so there will not be a sequel to the video game.
the end of the day, there are just some brick walls that a salaryman can never overcome *laughs*. For instance, if a game doesn’t sell over 2 million copies, then we’d have to put the brakes on any plans for a sequel. All that means is that we weren’t capable enough. And all we can do after that is to reflect on the experience, take what we can learn from it, and try to apply those lessons on some other title.
While we will certainly see the big name video game titles like Resident Evil and Monster Hunter continue to come out onto market, smaller IP’s that didn’t land the big sales number will go to the wayside. Are you interested in seeing smaller IPs from Capcom get another chance if the original title wasn’t a commercial success?