Call of Duty: WWII will make this major multiplayer feature more rewarding

Activision and Sledgehammer Games have been pretty open in regards to the changes they will make to the Call of Duty series this year with Call of Duty: WWII. Recently, Michael Condrey of Sledgehammer Games did an interview, where he elaborated how they intend on making a major multiplayer feature more rewarding.

Image: Activision

During the meeting, Condrey spoke with GamesRadar about a plethora of features that will be incorporated in Call of Duty: WWII, including the new modifications that will be made for the prestige feature.

According to Condrey, instead of getting just a pin next to the player’s name, indicating they reached a significant milestone, they will receive a bit more benefits for their hard work:

“I think for multiplayer specifically, the act of Prestiging is powerful – all these times you’ve Prestige, and you can largely only do it, historically to date, offline in your home with a little bit of fanfare,” Condrey explained.  “Now you have a place to celebrate that achievement in public amongst dozens of your friends and community members, so. Yeah, there’s a lot more to come on Headquarters – as both a social and activity driven space that showcases and celebrates your achievements and your personality.”


Additionally, Sledgehammer previously announced it intends on bringing a new social area to Call of Duty: WWII, similar to Destiny‘s Tower feature. Based on the recent interview and the promises the developer intends on keeping, it appears that the prestige mode will play a significant role in Call of Duty‘s political front.

image: forbes

When Condrey was asked if players will stand on a pedestal in front of everyone while receiving a medal, Condrey replied with “[y]eah…that kind of thing, yeah.” Despite keeping a tight lid on what’s to come, Sledgehammer is dedicated to making the prestige more rewarding and significant for players.

Call of Duty: WWII is set to launch on November 3rd for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.