Today a new Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare leak hit Youtube and it got millions of views. It shows the return of the vicious undead hordes that fans of Call Of Duty cant seem to get enough of.
With the new developer comes a whole new breed of zombies that are faster stronger and bigger making the game mode alot more hardcore. Sledgehammer have thankfully changed the game mechanics so the mode is completely unrelated to Treyarch’s world renound mode.
Sledgehammer’s co founder Glen Schofield has admitted that the leak is real and that the zombie mode will be shipped with the game. In the Tweet he said “Nothing I can do about it now. But yeah it sucks. Imagine you’re playing and this comes up- you’d be psyched up, right?”
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare is released on November 4th for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.