Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 box art leaked, confirms Nov. 6th release date and preorder for BETA access

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 box art has been revealed. Thanks to a German site Which only lists box art for the PS4,PC and Xbox One. One of the most interesting thing we spotted on the box art is the “trident” logo that was revealed in one of the Snapchat teasers. We also spotted the world “SALLY” on the right weapon, similar to the Black Ops 1 box art. See box art down below.

We also got a user from twitter goes by @Motions0 revealed Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 poster from a local video game retail store revealed the game with a November 6 release date of this year. The poster has confirmed that users who preorder the title will get access to the Black Ops 3 Multiplayer beta.

*Beta will be available only on the following platforms: PlayStation® 4, Xbox One, and PC. Actual platform availability and launch date(s) to be determined. See for more details and Beta launch dates for each platform. Limited time only, while Beta codes last, at participating retailers.