The Bioshock movie that we all have been waiting for I’m sure may finally be back in production. After what has been years of uncertainty, Sony Pictures seems to be interested in the film and thus has started registering several websites under the Bioshock name.
Sony Pictures has recently started to register a number of websites that holds the Bioshock name. These websites include, and lastly So it would seem that the movie production is back on and let’s hope it stays that way.
If you can recall, over the years there has been lineup changes in terms directors and even writers though Ken Levine always played a huge role in the production. In 2008, Gore Verbinski, who directed Pirates of the Caribbean, struggled with Universal at the time in-order to get an R rating and bigger budget.
After Verbinski’s leave, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, 28 Weeks Later director, took over but the production stopped under Ken Levine who expressed that he didn’t want to compromise with the script and watch a production of a film that wasn’t done correctly for the Bioshock world.
While Sony Pictures is taking over the production from what we can tell, there is no word as to who is now directing the film, if Ken Levine is apart of the production team or if he’s even in charge of creating a script. We’ll keep you updated with the latest details here at PSG.