E3 is nine days away and the first to kick off the main event is Microsoft. You can watch the thrilling event on Monday June 10th at 12:30pm ET/9:30 am PT/16:30 GMT streaming live on Xbox Live and Xbox.com and will be available on demand later on if you missed it. You can also watch it on Spike TV (US or Canada residents) where the show will be 90 minutes with no commercial interruptions. June 11th – 13th Xbox will be on 7pm – 8pm ET, covering live during the ongoing E3 convention where they will go over previous announcements, developer interviews, and gameplay footage from a variety of titles.
Now let’s recap, Microsoft had their own conference in their headquarters a couple weeks ago unveiling their next generation console, the Xbox One and all its specifications. They showed the consoles entertainment social networking capabilities working with the Kinect and for that, the console has been labeled the “All-In-One Entertainment system.” It will be ready to purchase later this year, most likely around the holidays, the price has not been confirmed yet.
Even though Microsoft showed their fans what the Xbox One is capable of, they did not show the console’s game-play capabilities, which people questioned “is this a gaming console or not?” For the upcoming E3 press conference, we are curious to know what Microsoft is bringing to the table to win people over.
Microsoft’s Chief of Staff for Interactive Entertainment Business Aaron Greenberg says, “E3, if you’re a gamer, it’s going to be tons of exclusives, world premieres, and obviously even beyond that we have a lot to share between than and this holiday.” The Employee is very confident that Microsoft will clear up many questions being asked about the Xbox One, making fans looking forward to this year’s E3 more than ever.
We want you to comment in any of the E3 articles about anything E3! It can be what you expect from the event, what you want to happen there, your opinion on the consoles, anything gaming anything E3 please post in the comments below. The more creative and in depth your comments are the better because we will be reading through them and will be posting the best in every upcoming article to answer your comments. It is a wonderful opportunity to be interacting with our fellow fans so please comment away!
Check out Microsoft’s E3 Schedule below:
Schedule for the other June 10th conference’s below:
Just in case you missed it, click the link to the first Pre-E3 article: PSG: Pre-E3 Day 1