PlayStation 4 to release late 2013, says analysts


During E3 2012 many people were expecting at least a little information about Sony next gen console. However, SCEA boss Jack Tretton has commented on the next generation PS4  and   Senior VP at Sony, Scott Rhodes confirms that games are currently in development for the PS4.

gamesindustry fire all out at E3 2012 floor ,analysts Arvind Bhatia and Colin Sebastian  believe the PlayStation  4 to release late 2013.

Down below you can read the quote from them.

“High probability that PlayStation 4 will be out in late 2013.”

“More Publishers are more excited about the potential for  PS4 /xbox 720 than they are about Nintendo Wii U.”

“We expect that to be the case next year, the next-gen consoles will be simpler to develop for compared to the complications for the PS3 and 360 roughly six years ago.”

“Next-gen platform details are slowly emerging,”  noted by Colin Sebastian

“Next gen  improvements to processing power, speed, and graphics on the new platforms, integration with online services, as well as flexible revenue models, such as Free-to-Play, Micro-transactions (services model).”