Today during Microsoft’s portion of E3, CD Projekt RED unveiled their new RPG game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which is also going to be open-world. The game lets users quickly switch weapons and magic by using the voice commands on the Kinect. They also have the ability to adjust characters and manage inventory with the SmartGlass while playing.
We were very excited to find the hidden message in the trailer, read the message for yourself:
[quote style=”3″ author=”Hidden Witcher 3 Message”]
Dear Gamers,
Once again, we’re here with a super sneaky hidden message! We couldn’t resist doing something crazy on such a big occasion! :) We’re uber-excited to be a part of this groundbreaking moment in gaming history!
The CD Projekt RED rep you saw on stage was both anxious and excited – after you see this message, let him know that he was great by tweeting us @witchergame and using the #e3witcher hashtag :).
Today, you got your first glimpse of gameplay footage from TW3. Though no developer was harmed during the making of this video, we did work ourselves to the bone and put a LOT of heart into making all this happen. There’s still a long road ahead and your feedback, comments and love are needed to fuel our passion so that we can make The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt a really great game Head over to our forums, hell, send us letters if you want to – just be with us! We need you :).
The Debut Gameplay Trailer contains some hints about new game mechanics we’ll be introducing in the Witcher 3. Manage to spot them? Go to the forums, there’s probably many a discussion about them by now :).
By the way, notice the CGI takes in the trailer? Yeah, they’re a part of something bigger… Curious? Try here:
We released another video today: the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – The Beginning, in which team members introduce you to the game, share a lot of their passion and give some insight on some of the things that inspire us. Some breathtaking vistas and vivid landscapes in there – try to guess where we shot it.
Thank you for your support so far! Play video games, they’re awesome!
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Dev Team
CD Projekt RED
P.S.: Hell yeah!
Check out the screenshot of the message we caught:
Are you excited? Let us know below.