David Jaffe won’t mind doing another Twisted Metal title

Twisted Metal creator David Jaffe has said that this year’s reboot of the franchise on the PS3 was a hit, and he would be more than happy to make another title.

He revealed this on his Criminal Crackdown blog, Jaffe explains, “Twisted Metal PS3 got some great reviews and some terrible reviews which has placed it at a 76% metacritic. It sold fine,” without divulging any numbers.

“Not a dud, not a hit,” Jaffe continued, “When all is said and done, I hope Sony will be satisfied that it made a decent investment in the game and in us. But it was not a mega blockbuster or even a big hit.”

Jaffe also seems keen to return to the Twisted Metal series, but only once his new studio is established ” I HOPE Sony makes a new TM one day.”

“Heck, once we get the new studio launched and we’ve brought some new IPs to the world that folks enjoy, I can see myself dying to go back and do a new Twisted Metal wih the new studio and with Sony. But for now, I really want to do new things.”

Would you like to see a new Twisted Metal game? Let us know below in the comments.