GTA Online: Secret vehicles from upcoming mega DLC pack gets leaked

GTA Online has been choke full of content of late and Rockstar Games seems to have taken it upon themselves to offer even more meatier DLC packs for the audience in the coming weeks. Why not? Since the game’s literally making all parties involved laugh their way to the bank for months now. Rockstar’s already … Read more

battlefield 1 maps

Battlefield 1 Official Maps and Modes Just Released And Confirmed

Battlefield 1 is gearing up for a big launch on October 21st and Electronic Arts has begun to roll out more detailed information about the game. Just yesterday, they revealed Battlefield 1’s PC System Requirements. Now today, they dropped the big one, all of the Battlefield 1 Maps and Modes. DICE has also mentioned that … Read more

Blizzard is going to ban some of Hearthstone’s most popular cards from arena

Image: Some of the Hearthstone’s most popular cards from it’s Arena mode will be banned by Blizzard in an upcoming patch soon. Blizzard plans to balance the game mode by this move. Right now the Arena is dominated by some particular heroes. Except Paladin, every hero will have some cards removed from their drafting pool. … Read more

This developer who hates survival games is making a survival game

Brian McRae, the lead developer at Fenix Fire has a strong dislike for survival games. He express his hate for survival games in front of a journo from PC Gamer, James Davenport. But the irony is that the developer who hates survival games so much is currently working on a survival game named Osiris: New Dawn. In … Read more

Mad Max: Fury Road Review

Mad Max has made a comeback into pop-culture and how. First the sleeper hit in the form of Fury Road and now a full-fledged game which goes above and beyond of being just another licensed game. When you bring in Avalanche Studio to do the development duties, it gets even more intense. Does it live … Read more

Destiny Trailer Explores Mars

Bungie has released a trailer for their upcoming video game Destiny. The trailer shows off the planet Mars where players will uncover the ruins of a once great city. What little we know of Mars may as well be a myth. We built a massive metropolis in the red dust. No one knows what remains … Read more